
MRI for Imaging Breast Implants

MRI is the technique of choice for assessing the integrity of breast implants, with a sensitivity and specificity of over 90%. When imaging breast implants, NO contrast agent is required unless malignancy is suspected. Imaging should be performed in the prone position using a dedicated breast coil. The main goal is to determine whether the implant has ruptured and, if so, to establish the location of the leaked filler (usually silicon).

When implants fail, the rupture may be either intra-capsular or extra-capsular. Intra-capsular rupture occurs when silicon has escaped from the plastic shell of the implant, but is contained within the fibrous implant capsule; signs of intracapsular rupture include the ‘wavy line’, ‘linguini’, ‘key-hole’ and ‘salad oil’ sign. False-positive interpretations can be made when normal implant folds are mistaken for signs of rupture.
Intra-capsular implant rupture.'linguini' sign and ‘salad oil’ sign.

Extra-capsular implant rupture.

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