
Antero-posterior and Lateral Views of Elbow

Effusions into the elbow joint are commonly associated with undisplaced fractures of the radial head due to trauma. These radial head fractures may be difficult to see unless full projections are taken. The anterior and posterior fat pads are a particularly useful guide in assessing an effusion, as both will be elevated from their resting position against the distal end of the humerus. The two views are again needed in trauma cases to show any dislocation with or without associated fractures. A supracondylar fracture in children is particularly important because of the risk of a Volkmann's contracture due to ischaemic fibrosis. 

When the forearm bones are x-rayed for trauma, it is essential to have views of the joints at either end. This applies to any long bone examination. Fractures of the forearm bones are often paired, and if single fractures with displacement occur, then either wrist or elbow dislocation of the other bone must be looked for. Examples of this are fracture of the ulna with forward dislocation of the radial head (Monteggia) and fracture of the radial shaft with distal radio-ulnar dislocation (Galeazzi).

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